District Honor Band and All-State Auditions Registration due Sept 2nd

Dear Parents and Students,


The District Honor Band & All-State Auditions are quickly approaching.  This is a great opportunity for your student to grow as an individual musician! Auditions provide an opportunity for students to work hard and reach new levels of performance on their instruments.  Auditions prepare students to perform well in pressure situations such as concert performances, solo performances, and chair placements.  Students who audition early in their music career increase their chances of success when they audition for top performing groups at the high school level and scholarship opportunities at the collegiate level.


District Honor Band & All-State are two separate events.  District band is made up of the best players from Cobb County and the All State Band is made up of the best players throughout Georgia! Students are placed in these ensembles by audition.  Auditions will be held at Dodgen Middle School, Saturday December 3rd On the audition, students will play 4 major scales, chromatic scale, and sight-reading.


There is an audition fee that our state organization charges in order to run the event.  The audition fee is $10 for Honor Band and an additional $20 for All-State Band and is due by Friday, September 2nd, 2016.


Based upon the audition scores on December 3rd, your student may become a member of the 2017 District 12 Honor Band.  The District 12 honor band will be hosted at Lovingood Middle School and will run Friday evening February 10th through Saturday, February 11th and a concert on Sunday February 12th.


If your student scores highly on the December 3rd audition, they may qualify for the All-State Band second round audition.  The 2nd round audition is held in January at Perry Middle School in Perry, GA.  If you score high enough on the second audition, you may become a member of the 2017 Georgia All-State Band and perform in Athens, GA in March!


  • We encourage all 7th & 8th graders to audition
  • Auditions will take place Saturday, December 3rd at Dodgen Middle School (directions and audition times will be provided. You provide your own transportation).
  • Audition materials will be distributed in class. You can find extra copies at GMEA.org under the divisions tab click bands, scroll down and click all-state middle school band scales & etudes under audition requirements.
  • Audition fee of $10 for just honor band or $30 for honor band and all-state band is due no later than Friday, September 2nd, 2016.
  • Additional information will be sent home if your student is selected to be a member of the Honor Band and/or scores high enough for the second round All-State audition.
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